Pittsburgh Icon Procession
Orthodox Christian churches from the greater Pittsburgh area will use icons from the Wrestling With Angels museum exhibition for a local icon procession the first Saturday in October. After the successful icon procession held last March, 2021, additional congregations are gathering for a larger icon procession and service of supplication starting at Station Square and ending at Mellon Square Park in downtown Pittsburgh.
On Saturday, October 2, 2021, at approximately 12:00 noon, area clergy and faithful will take up the icons from the meeting spot in Station Square and process across the Smithfield Street Bridge to 6th Avenue where a prayer service will be conducted by local clergy at Mellon Square Park. All are welcome to participate in the procession and attend the prayer service, which will have petitions for the peace of our cities and towns, and for all those affected by the pandemic.
If you have a small orthodox icon you have written or own, please feel free to carry your icon in the procession.
Fr. Michael Sochka has flyers for distribution upon request.
Inquiries or requests for interviews can be directed to Fr. Michael Sochka, Icons for America Secretary (cell: 267-736-9454, email: msochka@gmail.com) or to Mrs. Lydia Lynette Hull, Icons for America President (cell: 609-651-0807, email k2togusa@mac.com)